Ukrainian proverbs

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
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Ukrainian proverb 1
Happiness, strength and joy come from a family where order reigns. If there is happiness in the family, then success will come

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Ukrainian proverb 2
It is much more important to live honestly than to be rich. But both are better:) Stealing money does not bring happiness

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
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Ukrainian proverb 3
Really good and cozy, especially where there is love and harmony between people. One comfort will not provide happiness

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 4
If we do not know how to control ourselves, our desires, then we become our own enemy, we harm ourselves, we dig a hole for ourselves. We need to learn to control ourselves

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Ukrainian proverb 5
We need to understand what is our greatest treasure, cherish and value it, and in no case change or lose it.

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Ukrainian proverb 6
Who is a true friend is manifested in trouble. Through a common cause or work, a friendship hardens and becomes stronger

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 7
We beg God for what we cannot do ourselves (our health does not always depend only on us), and we will can earn our bread

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Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 8
Best friend, this is a person who will always be there, the one who knows you best - it's all your faithful wife. What does true mean? This is a woman who will never betray your love

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 9
Many pills are beneficial but also harmful, and some even do more harm than good. It is better to try to do prevention with a healthy lifestyle, instead of getting sick, treating the disease with pills.

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 10
We need those with whom we can share our joy and those who will share it with us. And we also need those who will support us in our grief and difficulties

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 11
There is no point in just existing - to eat, sleep and have fun. Such a life is useless and has no value

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 12
Problems in life need to be solved, not run away from them. Drugs and alcohol do not solve the problem

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 13
Without training you will not achieve results. If you are not prepared, there will be problems. Ukrainians - do not forget about the gardens of victory:)

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 14
Appreciate not those who say beautiful words, but those who sincerely care about you (often such people may not even say much)

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 15
This proverb expresses the Ukrainian-Cossack spirit - we must fight and not give up, fight and not complain. This is what our ancestors did, this is what we do, this is what our descendants will do

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Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 16
Those we love and those who love us are much more valuable than material values. It is close people who make us happy first, and then money

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 17
As true gold is revealed in fire, so true friendship is revealed in trouble. Real gold in the fire does not darken, a real friend will not leave you in trouble

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 18
If the family is friendly, then together you can survive any difficulties

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 19
The main thing is not what a person looks like, but what he does and what he has achieved

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
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Ukrainian proverb 20
It's easier and less scary to do together :)

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
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Ukrainian proverb 21
We need the sun for the health of our body, we need friends for the health of our soul

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Ukrainian proverb 22
Not the "right" places make us good. What makes us good is our thoughts and intentions, our efforts and, most importantly, our actions

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Ukrainian proverb 23
This proverb is an excellent response to Macron and others like him on the proposal to "save Putin's face", "understand Russia", etc.

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
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Ukrainian proverb 24
Therefore, it is better to just silently "grind the mill":) Work more and talk less

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 25
Wisdom does not allow us to become arrogant when all is well, and does not allow us to despair when it becomes difficult

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 26
The difference between native land and foreign land is the same as the difference between mother and stepmother - outwardly it may be the same, but the essence and internal content are different

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 27
You will not shut the mouth of the nation and you will not break the will. If a nation does not have freedom of speech and it does not fight it, then it is not a nation, but a bunch of slaves

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 28
The beauty and value of a horse is in its strength and appearance, the beauty and value of a person is in its soul

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 29
To see what kind of person you really need to go through a lot of difficulties with him

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 30
We need those with whom we can share our joy and those who share it with us. And we also need those who will support us in grief and difficulties

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 31
It's about how the Ukrainians defeated Putin and the orcs

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 32
A non-thinking head is as useless as a lantern that does not shine

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 33
What to gain knowledge and be smart you need to have an open soul

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 34
Ukrainians have gone through many difficulties and trials, so they do not need much and they are ready to go through any adversity

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 35
A daughter is a treasure of her parents, they raise her and take care of her, then this treasure goes to her future husband and he must take care of this treasure forever

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, heritage of the Ukrainian people.
Ukrainian proverbs, Ukrainian quotes, Ukraine, Ukrainian heritage, Ukrainian culture
Ukrainian proverb 36
A handsome man is not a guarantee of happiness in marriage. Happiness requires a mind and a kind heart